If the love birds had thought of getting married in an Arya Samaj Mandir at a short notice, it would not be all that easy to do now. While the institution of Arya Samaj marriage was created to break the social taboos of caste, creed and religion so that the young hearts can marry at their, the long established institution has now gained infamy because of the various malpractices that are followed, legal loopholes and the general parental dislike for this system which is increasingly creating social chaos.
In an attempt to
regulate the systems better, without taking away its reformist benevolence,
there have been a number of rulings from the high courts of different states.
The most recent one comes from the High Court of Madhya Pradesh which has
clearly laid it down that the couple looking to get married at the Arya
Samaj Mandir will have to wait for at least one week. During the course of
this week, the court has directed that:
1. Temple would seek
written applications from the to-be bride and groom.
2. Temple would fix the
date of marriage at least a week later.
3. Management of temple
will inform the parents of both the to-be bride and groom with a duly
registered intimation about the date and time of marriage.
4. Information will also
have to be sent to the local police station and office of District Collector
under whose jurisdiction the residences of both the to-be bride and groom come.
5. At least 5 relatives
from both sides need to be present at the Arya Samaj marriage.
Why these all complications are created for love birds ?? It is said that people are living in 21 century and they are totally changed but still their mentality has not changed.When all will get freedom ??
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Arya Samaj Mandir The Arya Samaj Mandir Located in Harit Vihar Sant Nagar Burari Delhi is the perfect place for marriage.The temple has best facility for marriage, dinner party and marriage hall more than 1000 couple successfully get married.